How to use C-sharp to find the longest path of a digraph?

topic description

in the company"s recent project, there is a requirement to calculate the length of the process, that is, to find out the longest process in the whole process, the essence is to calculate the longest path of the digraph.
as shown in the figure:

calculate the longest path of Amure in the figure, that is: A-B-C-D-E


    public class RouteEngine<T>
        private List<Node<T>> Nodes { get; set; }
        private Dictionary<string, int> RouteList { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, int>();

        public RouteEngine(List<Node<T>> nodes)
            Nodes = nodes;
        private void InterateRoute(Node<T> node, string route, int dis)
            if (node.Prevs.Any())
                foreach (var prev in node.Prevs)
                    RouteList[prev.Key.Name + "," + route] = dis + prev.Value;
                    InterateRoute(prev.Key, prev.Key.Name + "," + route, dis + prev.Value);

        public (List<Route<T>>, HashSet<Node<T>>) GetRoutes(Node<T> start, Node<T> end, bool shortest)
            InterateRoute(end, end.Name, 0);
            var list = new List<Route<T>>();
            var nodes = new HashSet<Node<T>>();
            var routes = RouteList.Where(k => k.Key.StartsWith(start.Name) && k.Key.EndsWith(end.Name));
            var route = (shortest ? routes.OrderBy(x => x.Value) : routes.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value)).FirstOrDefault().Key;
            string[] strs = route.Split(',');
            for (var i = 0; i < strs.Length - 1; iPP)
                Node<T> src = Nodes.Find(n => n.Name.Equals(strs[i]));
                Node<T> dest = Nodes.Find(n => n.Name.Equals(strs[i + 1]));
                list.Add(new Route<T>(src, dest, dest.Prevs[src]));
            return (list, nodes);
    public class Route<T>
        public Route(Node<T> src, Node<T> dest, int distance)
            Source = src;
            Dest = dest;
            Distance = distance;

        public Node<T> Source { get; set; }
        public Node<T> Dest { get; set; }
        public int Distance { get; set; }
    public class Node<T>
        public Node(string name)
            Name = name;
            Prevs = new Dictionary<Node<T>, int>();
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<Node<T>, int> Prevs { get; set; }
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Node<string> a = new Node<string>("A");
            Node<string> b = new Node<string>("B");
            Node<string> c = new Node<string>("C");
            Node<string> d = new Node<string>("D");
            Node<string> e = new Node<string>("E");
            b.Prevs.Add(a, 1);
            c.Prevs.Add(b, 2);
            c.Prevs.Add(a, 2);
            d.Prevs.Add(b, 3);
            d.Prevs.Add(c, 0);
            e.Prevs.Add(b, 9);
            e.Prevs.Add(d, 4);
            List<Node<string>> nodes = new List<Node<string>>()
            var engine = new RouteEngine<string>(nodes);
            var (routes, routeNodes) = engine.GetRoutes(a, e, false);
            foreach (var x in routes)
                Console.WriteLine(x.Source.Name + "->" + x.Dest.Name + ":" + x.Distance);

            Console.WriteLine(":" + string.Join("->", routeNodes.Select(x => x.Name)) + ":" + routes.Sum(r => r.Distance));

            (routes, routeNodes) = engine.GetRoutes(a, e, true);
            foreach (var x in routes)
                Console.WriteLine(x.Source.Name + "->" + x.Dest.Name + ":" + x.Distance);

            Console.WriteLine(":" + string.Join("->", routeNodes.Select(x => x.Name)) + ":" + routes.Sum(r => r.Distance));
