Dear PHP bosses, I would like to ask you to learn more about PHP from which of the following aspects?

1Perfect MySQL deeply optimize

2Learning and using redis

3Jing Linux command

4, web security learning

5Based swoole learning

6 shell programming

7, algorithm learning

8, framework underlying source code learning

where should I learn the importance of the above or the one with high gold content?


mysql,redis linux ningx these should be said to be essential

what you say is in-depth, so the basics must be understood and perfected, and then shell that belongs to the language with high weight for other positions


Network programming, data structure must learn
Network programming: understanding five basic IO models is very helpful for you to understand PHP or all back-end languages.
data structure: after looking at the data structure, you will know how to optimize the code to optimize mysql. At the same time, it is also very helpful to the architecture.
you can learn the algorithm later, AI,. Cryptography

personal weight suggestion: 8 1 2 7 3 4 56
in addition, it is recommended that you learn the operating system principle, know the process scheduling principle and the network IO principle and so on.
in addition, it is recommended that you learn a compiled language, knowing that not all languages are written in the same way as PHP.

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