Could you tell me how to turn a string into a dictionary in python?

a = "The/AT grand/JJ jury/NN commented/VB
on/In a/AT number/NN of/In other/AP topics/NNS, /,
AMONG/In them/PPO the/AT Atlanta/NP and/CC"

{"AT": [" the","a], "JJ": [" grand"], "NN": [" jury", "number"]," VB": ["commented"]," In": ["on"," of", "among"]," AP": ["other"]," NNS": ["topics"],",": [","], "PPO": [" them"], "NP": [" atlanta"], "CC": [" and"]}
change the above string to the following dictionary. But the limit can only be solved by using str,list,dictionary-related structures

sources of topics and their own ideas

I removed the whitespace of this string to form a list, and then turned the list into a string and then removed the backslash, but after removal, it became a list formed by a single string, and I didn"t know how to form a dictionary of the collection.

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (please do not replace the code with pictures)
import re
a = "The/AT grand/JJ jury/NN commented/VB
on/In a/AT number/NN of/In other/AP topics/NNS, /,
AMONG/In them/PPO the/AT Atlanta/NP and/CC"
b = re.findall (" wicked pedigree, a)
c = str (b). Split ("/")
print (c)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

my current thinking may also be wrong. I hope I can give you some guidance. Thank you!


b = re.findall(r'(.+?)/(.+?) ', a) -sharp 
keys = []
for _b in b:
    if _b[1] not in keys:
res = {}
for key in keys:
    res[key] = [_b[0] for _b in b if _b[1]==key]

bored to read, lambdawn's answer is funny, regular does not write the lost data, lowercase does not convert, the result is not heavy, but also can seriously deceive.

< hr >

is actually a map/reduce problem. It is first split into map, and then aggregated according to the key value:

can be compared, and you can write concise and efficient code in this way, as follows:

def func1():
    -sharp /value->key
    b = map(lambda x:x.split('/'), a.split())

    -sharp key reduceset
    c = {}
    for v in b:
        if v[1] not in c.keys():
            c[v[1]] = set()


    -sharp setlist
    d = {k: list(v) for k, v in c.items()}
    return d

if you have to follow lambdawn's way of thinking, the code is roughly as follows:

def func2():
    b = re.findall(r'(.+?)/(.+?)\s+', a+' ')
    keys = []
    for _b in b:
        if _b[1] not in keys:

    res = {}
    for key in keys:
        for _b in b:
            if _b[1] == key:
                c = res.get(key, [])
                if _b[1] == key and _b[0].lower() not in c:
                    if not c:
                        res[key] = []
    return res

make a comparison of simple performance tests,

def perf_test():
    start = time.clock()

    for i in xrange(0,10000):

    end = time.clock()

    print end-start

    for i in xrange(0,10000):

    end = time.clock()

    print end-start

result, about double the difference

>>> text = '''The/AT grand/JJ jury/NN commented/VB
... on/In a/AT number/NN of/In other/AP topics/NNS ,/,
... AMONG/In them/PPO the/AT Atlanta/NP and/CC'''
>>> tuples = [tuple(item.split('/')) for item in text.split()] -sharp
>>> ret_dict = {}
>>> for value, key in tuples: -sharp
...     ret_dict.setdefault(key, set()).add(value.lower())
>>> ret_dict = {key:list(value) for key, value in ret_dict.items()} -sharp
>>> ret_dict
{'AT': ['the', 'a'], 'JJ': ['grand'], 'NN': ['jury', 'number'], 'VB': ['commented'], 'In': ['of', 'on', 'among'], 'AP': ['other'], 'NNS': ['topics'], ',': [','], 'PPO': ['them'], 'NP': ['atlanta'], 'CC': ['and']}