Is the base (root) environment of conda completely different from the environment used by pip?

Today, when I was learning anaconda, I found that the same package can still be installed again with conda after installing with pip, and the destination path is also different.
what I know (want to know whether it is correct):

2.conda virtualenv pyvenv 

what I want to know:

3.anaconda navigatercreate,conda create ?
4.conda create -n nb --clone root base(root),pip?

the following is what I know so far, but it may not all be correct, for reference

  1. conda install's package appears to be under anaconda\ pkgs, while pip install's package is under anaconda\ Lib\ site-packages. It is recommended to use pip management package (pip is the package manager officially recommended by python)
  2. if you are in the base environment, the package of, pip install should be installed under anaconda\ Lib\ site-packages, and then when using python packages in other virtual environments, search the package, in the virtual environment first. If you do not have it, search for package, in the base environment, that is, package in the base environment can be used by other virtual environments. If you enter other virtual environments and use pip install, then the downloaded package will only be in this virtual environment
  3. .