How does Forge Viewer's annotation plug-in MarkupsCore customize the style?

can the lines and colors of this label be changed if you use Autodesk.Viewing.MarkupsCore? There is also the font size and color in the text function?


For more information on the use of the MarkupsCore tag plug-in included with Viewer, please see https://autodesk-forge.gitee.

var styleAttributes = ['stroke-width', 'stroke-color', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-linejoin','font-family','font-style','fill-opacity'];
var nsu = Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.Markups.Core.Utils;
var styleObject = nsu.createStyle(styleAttributes, extension); //
styleObject['stroke-width'] = ... //
extension.setStyle(styleObject); //