On the problem of PHP binary bit length

system and PHP versions

  • system: Centos 64-bit
  • PHP 7.2

URL: http://php.net/manual/en/func.

PHP Code:


    $a = PHP_INT_SIZE;
    $b = PHP_INT_MAX;
    $c = PHP_INT_MIN;

    echo "\$a:", $a . "\n";
    echo "\$b:", $b . "\n";
    echo "\$c:", $c . "\n\n";

    echo "\$b:" . decbin($b) . "\n";
    echo "\$c:" . decbin($c) . "\n";

output result:



problem description:

  • in 64-bit system, the maximum integer value is 9223372036854775807, and the minimum integer value is-9223372036854775808,
  • The binary of the minimum value of
  • is 64 bits, and the 1 of the highest bit is a negative number.
  • Why is the maximum binary 63 bits? Did you omit the first 0?

Thank you for the answer

The maximum value of

integer is actually 64 bits, that is, 09223372036854775807, omitting the first 0
