physical environment 2GB memory
< H2 > phenomenon description: < / H2 >I have a program (no source code) that uses Netty at the bottom (don"t be misled into a problem with NIO, but it may be related to DirectMemory), there are no other JNI methods, and the startup parameter is
.-Xmx1200m -Xms1200m -XX:MetaspaceSize=128M -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=100m
when you just started, the memory was kept at about 1200, and the remaining memory of the physical machine was about 400m (free-m). After a period of time (about a day, during the NIO operation), the memory continued to grow. During this period, I saw it grow to 1.5g, and then it was dropped by kill for a period of time. I didn"t pay attention to how much memory was taken up when it was dropped by kill.
in theory, I set the maximum memory and direct memory of the heap. In general, if there is not enough memory, the OOM, will not grow all the time. I don"t think the rest of the out-of-heap memory will grow by so much, exceeding the set memory by at least 200m, which is a bit too much, or is this a normal phenomenon?
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