Why doesn't some of the markdown text rendered through react-markdown achieve the effect it should have?

I want to render markdown text to the page through react-markdown. I find that there is nothing wrong with the rendered tags, but some tags have no effect. For example, the h1 and markdown h3 tags do not have the effect of being thicker and bigger. For example, this tag of the HGI does not have multiple layers of nesting.

import React from "react";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown/with-html";
// import marked from "marked";
// import hljs from "highlight.js";

class Test extends React.Component{
  // componentDidUpdate(){
    // console.log("==========================id:",this.props.match.params.docId);
    // console.log("==========================id:",this.props.match.params.dirId);
  // }

    const markdown = "-sharp-sharp 222\n" +
      "[ **M** ] arkdown + E [ **ditor** ] = **Mditor**  \n" +
      "> Mditor  markdown ... \n" +
       "****\n" +
      "**`\n" +
      "******\n" +
      "~~~~ \n"+
      "> aaaaaaaaa\n" +
      ">> bbbbbbbbb\n" +
      ">>> cccccccccc\n"+
      "***\n" +

    return (
        <ReactMarkdown source={markdown} />

export default Test;



is there css
react-markdown of reset style in your code, but markdown to html does not deal with css style

markdown, H1 these are indicated by -sharp , not arrows.

I tried it, and I can render the nesting look normally

,blockquote css ,

has the same problem been solved by the landlord

you may have overwritten things like antd. I've had this problem before. Reset in antd sets the margin of blockquote to 0 01em, so the style is not correct
