Laravel vue project run dev successful run prod failed

laravlel5.5+vue project, run dev success, run prod failed
error is as follows:
ERROR in 2.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected token: name (package). / node_modules/vue-loader/lib/template-compiler? {"id": "data-v-3684b463", "hasScoped": false, "buble": {"transforms": {}!. / nodeparts modulesAccording vueMuyloaderAccording to selector.jspicktypepurchase templateplates indexchanges.According to resourcesCompact assetsUnitablejsviewsUnitabl infoSelfUnites Univers5289
for an answer.


this bug is a little speechless

<el-form-item :label="$t('info.package')" align="center" prop="package_id">
    <el-select v-model="temp.package_id" class="filter-item" @change="packageChange($event)" filterable placeholder="">
        <el-option v-for="package in packageAll" :key="" :label="" :value=""/>

$t ('info.package') and the following vmurfort = "the package in package in packageAll. Is renamed. Just change one of them. You really have to pay attention to the details in the future.

check whether the file resources/assets/js/views/infoSelf/components/FormInfo.vue is written in es6.
UglifyJs does not support es6,. You need to convert the code to es5, before calling UglifyJs
