Is there any configuration needed to change how to introduce VueX, through CDN?

I want to load Vuex, to optimize the loading time of the first screen by introducing CDN, but put the script tag under vue, and then add "vuex":"Vuex", to webpack.base.conf.js "s externals and create a new index.js file,

var store = new{
    state: {
        msg:"hello world"
    mutations: {
        updata(state) {
            state.msg = "111";
export default store;

and then keep reporting errors


Vuex has import come in? The method is feasible. If there is a detailed error message, you should be able to see some problems

need to provide more detailed code to see the problem

new Vuex.Store, case is wrong,

'vuex':'Vuex' writes

upside down.