A little doubt about the storage difference between git and svn in "git Foundation"

problem description

Git fundamentals

take snapshots directly rather than compare differences
the main difference between Git and other version control systems (including Subversion and approximation tools) is the way Git treats data. Conceptually, most other systems store information in the form of file change lists. Such systems (CVS, Subversion, Perforce, Bazaar, and so on) treat the information they save as a set of basic files and the differences that each file accumulates over time.
Git does not treat or save data in the above way. Instead, Git treats data as a set of snapshots of a small file system. Every time you submit an update or save the project status in Git, it mainly takes a snapshot of all the files at that time and stores the index of the snapshot. To be efficient, if the file is not modified, Git no longer restores the file, but retains only a link to the previously stored file. Git treats data more like a snapshot stream.

to facilitate typing, replace "traditional CVS" with SVN

  1. in SVN, assuming that the version library manages 10 files, this submission only modifies file 1. As you can see from the figure, will the other 9 files also get a new version number?
  2. in GIT, these nine files point to the most recently modified file ontology as links. Is it the same in SVN?