Ask for help about the problem that the hash single application in Wechat's browser logs in and redirects the page to get stuck.

as mentioned, go to the login page

  1. location.href = backend login address
  2. redirect to /-sharp/login?token=** after successful login

problem appeared in the second part, when token decided to get it and should make some data requests, but the page got stuck on Android and just refreshed it once. This problem does not appear on iphone
. Does any great god know what"s going on?


look at the tag with php.

before, when I was authorizing user information, I encountered a bug that jumped twice (that is, Android). When I started to jump to Wechat to obtain the proprietary link to code, there would be two jumps, so that the jump back would be twice (this piece was found when I was looking at nginx's access.log), so the authorization would fail. The cause of bug is still unknown. The later solution is to change the original php jump statement header ("Location: {$url}"); to header ('refresh:0;url='.$url) , and then there will be no fake hops.

I don't know if it can help the subject ~

answer. According to the process I said when I asked the question, using a single page hash will be considered by Android to be the same page and cannot trigger the router change event;
take out the login logout page separately; use query parameters to pass data
/ login.html?redirectUrl=
/ login.html?accessToken=
the above two corresponding logins are successfully redirected, and then js jumps; pay attention to keep up with timestamps and other
