Json array traversal modifies attribute value to report Cannot read property 'rank' of undefined?

ask the bosses, I for in traversal to modify the json array will report a undefined error, can you help me to see what the problem is?

var res = await mysql("cMyStarInfo").where("open_id", id).orderBy("Djlsh", "desc");
for(i in res){
  //var newRes = res[i];
  var a = res[i].PenName;
  var b = await mysql("cPenInfo").where("penName", a);
  var c = await mysql("cCoures_list").where("penName", a).orderBy("Djlsh", "desc");;
res[i].rank = b[0].rank
res[i].PenImgUrl = b[0].roundImgUrl
res[i].StarSum = b[0].starSum
res[i].upCourTitl = c[0].couTitle   
ctx.state.data = res





you can't print rank if rank is empty, that is undefined

the returned data is posted

it feels like you b [0] where the rank may not be defined, or you can step by step debug and check what is wrong with the syntax

if your res gets an array and you want to change the value or extension of the data objects in the array, it is recommended that you use

//  res.map 
res.forEach(item => {
    if(!item) return;
// res

try not to fo..in the array (for, for..of, and array interfaces are recommended), because the array is also an object, and you can add non-array index fields, such as

const ar = [{id: 23}];
ar.b = undefind;
for (var k in ar) console.info(k); 
// => 0,b
// k==='b'undefined;