How to fill in the DocumentId in the online version of viewer?

400 (Bad Request), is reported in the online version of viewer, in which the html file is copied from the example of the official website. How should I fill in only token and documentId,documentId?

this is how I got this string of documentId:

1 use postman request {{base_domain}} / modelderivative/v2/designdata/ {{urnBase64}} / manifest
to find the returned svf file URN as follows: ( * * omitted)
urn:adsk.viewing:fs.file: ( * *) / output/Resource/ 3D View / 3D/3D.svf

2 convert the above string to UrlEncode, as follows: ( * * omitted)
urn:urn%3Aadsk.viewing%3Afs.file%3A ( * *)% 2Foutput%2FResource%2F%E4%B8%89%E7%BB%B4%E8%A7%86%E5%9B%BE%2F3D%2F3D.svf

3 transfer the above string to Base64, without an equal sign at the end

4 fill in documentId, below, replacing only the contents in angle brackets, including angle brackets
var documentId = "urn: < >";

I wonder if it has anything to do with the URL I filled in when I applied for app. The IIS, URL I use locally is


refer to https://autodesk-forge.gitee.
var documentID=" urn:dXJuJTNBYWRzay5. "
just urlencode urn%3Aadsk.viewing%3Afs.file%3A.svf this part and then base64 it


you can also refer to the following direct viewer.load:

ErrorCode explains:

I did do base64, after urlencode and removed the equal sign, but I still reported 400 bad request


I use the html on the page.

is there anything else you need to pay attention to?
