Has anyone ever tried to quote element ui and iView on demand at the same time?

the project needs to use both element and ivew, but for optimization, select on-demand reference and find that both plug-ins need to modify the same file. Has anyone used it?

element needs to be modified in .babelrc file

  "presets": [["es2015", { "modules": false }]],
  "plugins": [
        "libraryName": "element-ui",
        "styleLibraryName": "theme-chalk"

iview needs to be modified in .babelrc file

  "plugins": [["import", {
    "libraryName": "iview",
    "libraryDirectory": "src/components"

modifies the same code in the same file. Has anyone ever tried to reference two controls on demand at the same time? how should this file be modified?


finds the answer and quotes element and iview, to modify .babelrc to:

  "presets": [
        "modules": false,
        "targets": {
          "browsers": [
            "> 1%",
            "last 2 versions",
            "not ie <= 8"
  "plugins": [
        "libraryName": "iview",
        "libraryDirectory": "src/components"
        "libraryName": "element-ui",
        "styleLibraryName": "theme-chalk"

Why use two frames at the same time? You can use your own related UI components
