Upload problem in element-ui.

Project description

1.Spring Boot+Spring Cloud
2. The upload service uses fastDFS
3.upload micro-service port 8089
4. Local host mapping upload.example.com
5.nginx proxy upload.example.com to port 8089

problem description

http://localhost:8089/upload/image normal
http://upload.example.com/upload/image failed to access the service in action

  1. when simulating domain name access, the none, backend will report "Current request is not a multipart request" when simulating domain name access. This should indicate that the nginx agent is in effect.
  2. when simulating domain name access at the same time, the console will report a cross-domain error, but the backend has enabled CORS access.
  3. if only api,/upload/image el-upload is entered, the current domain name will be spliced automatically, and cross-domain errors will also be reported.
  4. use http-request to override action, you can see OPTION 200, POST image same cross-domain error in the console.
  5. client_max_body_size should be 1MB by default, and only 100+kb is the image uploaded in the test.