my code
<Select suffixIcon=></Select>
my code
<Select suffixIcon=></Select>
solved. The showArrow attribute cannot remove showArrow= {false} for false, or set it to true
setting in state: this.state = {checkList: []}; checkList initializes it with an array of the same length as JsonPage: this.setState ({checkList:checkSaveCount}); checkSavaCount is the same length as the following JsonPage. the following creates...
use the Table component of Antd Design, first check out the data, and then select a CheckBox, but when you change pages, that CheckBox will not disappear. For example, when I select the first line on the first page, and then skip to the second page, the ...
tried all three methods: ...
official example of full copy: this is the official sample code: import { Select } from antd ; const Option = Select.Option; function handleChange(value) { console.log(`selected ${value}`); } ReactDOM.render( <div> <Select defaul...
use list as the option data source for Select, but use callback, which cannot be rendered. Just call it directly, as shown in the figure below. The first method is fine, and the second is not. Because there are many Select, on a page, you need to use th...
The structure of the data is like this, and you need to use this to generate a form like this { name: , groups: [ { groupName: , state: 1, 1 0 isOpen: 1, 1 0 ... ( api php user findPsw.json ,params). Then ((res) = > {) var jsonObj = JSON.stringify( var jsonTemp="[{" var checkPsw = jsonObj.substring(jsonObj.indexOf("password")+11,jsonObj.indexOf(...
Test antd document Form in the demo code const {getFieldDecorator} = this.props.form; reported an error, found that their antd version is too low, so npm install antd@beta-save installed the latest version of antd, but my project Divider reported that th...
thousands of pieces of data returned by the background interface are put in the Select. Users select a certain piece of data and find it very stuttered. Is there any way to solve it ? this is the official demo of antd const { Select } = antd; const Op...
The form has a start and end date, which requires context. How can it be cross-validated? the problem I encountered is: step1: first set the start date to 3br 23 step2: sets the end as scheduled to 3x21, the end date component verification prompt "c...
:this.state={key1:value1,key2:value2}, :this.state={key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3} statekey3:value3, this.statepush(),this.state.push(key3,value3) this.state={key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3} this.statepush() this.state ...
use the drop-down box of React s ant design, and ask for help on how to solve the problem according to the fact that there is no multiple selection in the doc, on the official website. <Select multiple showSearch onSelect={(val,e) =&g...
there is no problem with the local configuration of ant design pro,. The search items in tablelist are often misplaced, and the drop-down items are not fully displayed. It will be fine after refreshing. If you enter the page for the first time, there wil...
how does react ant use custom form validation? 1. Code const Login = ( { loading, dispatch, form: { getFieldDecorator, validateFieldsAndScroll }, } ) => { function handleOk() { validateFieldsAndScroll((error...
this is the effect ...
the column of operation on the right is floating then there may be additions and deletions to the columns here, which will change the height of the table row, but the height of the floating column on the right is fixed, which makes it ugly . ...
for example, in a very large form, each form item item is wrapped by getFieldDecorator, because the onChange event of the wrapped input component triggers the forceUpdate, on the Form.create layer, so the whole form will be re-render at this time, if i...
report an error after modification according to the official website. I don t know what went wrong ...
when using react and antdesign as background, I need to implement this function: use the Tab component, click the label to change the route to realize the reloading of the data below, but there is always a problem when you do it. After clicking, it...