,localStorageID H5+mui+vue APP
,localStorageID H5+mui+vue APP
allows the backend to write data to a json file and save it locally, and then request json data like jq
$(function () {
such a json data file is similar to an sql table.
localforage, https://www.npmjs.com/package.
vue's built-in object
can be stored structurally, but I don't know how much data you have
window.localStorage.setItem('outLineList' + '-' + id,JSON.stringify(outLineList));
var outLineList=window.localStorage.getItem('outLineList' + '-' + id) ? JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('outLineList' + '-' + id")) : [];
use HTML5+ 's storage module. It is also in the form of {key,val}. The advantage is that there is no upper limit on the size, as long as your phone has enough memory.