problem description
transform the front end of a project, the project is very large, now look at the source code plus attachments have more than 500 megabytes (including svn files), front-end pages also have hundreds. I tried to build a front-end project based on webpack with vue cli
vue init webpack myproject
write a shelf in elementui, as shown in the following picture.
, the front and back ends are not developed separately, they all write something in the front end and write something in the background. I don"t know what to do, whether to introduce Ext into the front-end project or how to directly call the code written in Ext. Please provide an idea
.the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried
- introduce the code to load the page before Ext, is rewritten in the front-end project
I think the Ext source code does not follow the strict mode of ES5, it will report an error as soon as it is run, and there should be a dependency between ext-base.js and ext-all.js, if Ext needs to be introduced. How should the introduction method be written - I don"t know what else to do.
related codes
Code that uses dynamic components in tabs components
showTab = function() { var tab = null; //Tab if (tab == null) { var loadPanelMethod = hasLoaded[loadingUrl].fn; var newPanel = loadPanelMethod(); var tabObject = new Ext.Panel({ id:, layout: "fit", title: item.text, iconCls: "othertab", items: [newPanel], closable: true, autoScroll: true }); tab = mainTabPanel.add(tabObject).show(); newPanel.doLayout(); } mainTabPanel.setActiveTab(tab); isLoading = false; mainTabPanel.body.unmask(); }
excuse me
has not been exposed to this kind of engineering front-end development before, has always been a rookie writing java, the front-end knowledge is still at the ES3 level, and some problems are not clearly described or misused.