How does the front end monitor the page after leaving for 5 minutes and come back to refresh the page?

because the web page is a sports data web page, the page will be stuck when you hang a large amount of data in the background on the weekend, so please tell us how to monitor the page hanging in the background for more than a certain period of time and prompt the user to click to confirm and refresh the page?


  var ev = 'hidden' in document ? 'hidden' :    
        'webkitHidden' in document ? 'webkitHidden' :    
        'mozHidden' in document ? 'mozHidden' :    
    var state = ev.replace(/hidden/i, 'visibilitychange'),d;
    var pageChange = function(){
        if (!document[ev]) {
            (new Date().getTime()-d>5000)?(console.log('5s'),d = new Date().getTime()):(console.log('5s'));
            document.title= "';
            d = new Date().getTime();
            document.title = "';
    document.addEventListener(state, pageChange);