Laravel multi-queue problem

Queues in

laravel can be assigned to different classes using onqueue .

1. Whether the queues under different classes are executed at the same time or in order.
2. What changes do you need to make to the queue.php configuration file in config when setting onqueue ?

3. When I start a single queue, it is a command:

php artisan queue:work --daemon --quiet --queue=default --delay=3 --sleep=3 --tries=3

how do I start multiple queues? can I remove queue=defaule directly? Or do I need to execute such a process in a queue of onqueue?


  • follow the basic principles and execute sequentially
  • read more documents


I solved my doubts after conducting the experiment.
1. After the queues in laravel are classified using onQueue. There is no need to make any changes in the configuration of config (instead of changing the default in the configuration to {{default}} , as mentioned in an online tutorial).

2. When starting multiple queues,-- queue must be added. Multiple classes are separated by commas without default execution of default,. If you want queues of multiple classes to be started at the same time, you need to start multiple queue monitoring processes.
