Excuse me, why is the js of the same segment normal on PC, but not on mobile?

Why is the js of the same segment normal on PC but not on mobile?

html call code:

<div id="pgbtn" class="pgbtn_page">
      <a class="page_a" href="javascript:;" rel="forum.php?order={$_GET["order"]}&page=$ntpage" curpage="{$_G["page"]}" id="autopbn" totalpage="{$fynum}" picstyle="$_G[forum][picstyle]" forumdefstyle="$_G[cookie][forumdefstyle]"></a>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="{$_G[style][styleimgdir]}/js/exauto_ajax_page.js?{VERHASH}"></script>

js file code:

(function() {

    var autopbn = $("autopbn");
    var nextpageurl = autopbn.getAttribute("rel").valueOf();
    var curpage = parseInt(autopbn.getAttribute("curpage").valueOf());
    var totalpage = parseInt(autopbn.getAttribute("totalpage").valueOf());
    var picstyle = parseInt(autopbn.getAttribute("picstyle").valueOf());
    var forumdefstyle = parseInt(autopbn.getAttribute("forumdefstyle").valueOf());
    picstyle = picstyle && !forumdefstyle;
    var autopagenum = 0;
    var maxpage = (curpage + autopagenum) > totalpage ? totalpage : (curpage + autopagenum);

    var loadstatus = 0;

    autopbn.onclick = function() {
        var oldloadstatus = loadstatus;
        loadstatus = 2;
        autopbn.innerHTML = ", ...";
        loadstatus = oldloadstatus;

    if(autopagenum > 0) {
        window.onscroll = function () {
            var curtop = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);
            if(curtop + document.documentElement.clientHeight + 500 >= document.documentElement.scrollHeight && !loadstatus) {
                loadstatus = 1;
                autopbn.innerHTML = ", ...";
                setTimeout(getnextpagecontent, 1000);

    function getnextpagecontent() {

        if(curpage + 1 > totalpage) {
            window.onscroll = null;
            autopbn.innerHTML = "...";
        if(loadstatus != 2 && curpage + 1 > maxpage) {
            autopbn.innerHTML = "";
            if(curpage + 1 > maxpage) {
                window.onscroll = null;
        var url = nextpageurl + "&t=" + parseInt((+new Date()/1000)/(Math.random()*1000));
        var x = new Ajax("HTML");
        x.get(url, function (s) {
            s = s.replace(/\n|\r/g, "");
            if(s.indexOf("id=\"autopbn\"") == -1) {
                $("autopbn").innerHTML = "...";
                window.onscroll = null;

            if(!picstyle) {
                var tableobj = $("thread-list");
                var nexts = s.match(/\<article id="normalthread_(\d+)" class="topic-visited"\>(.+?)\<\/article>/g);
                for(i in nexts) {
                    if(i == "index" || i == "lastIndex") {
                    var insertid = nexts[i].match(/<article id="normalthread_(\d+)" class="topic-visited"\>/);
                    if(!$("normalthread_" + insertid[1])) {

                        var newbody = document.createElement("article");
                        var div = document.createElement("div");
                        div.innerHTML = "<div>" + nexts[i] + "</div>";
                        tableobj.replaceChild(div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0], tableobj.lastChild);
            } else {
                var nexts = s.match(/\<li style="width:\d+px;" id="picstylethread_(\d+)"\>(.+?)\<\/li\>/g);
                for(i in nexts) {
                    var insertid = nexts[i].match(/id="picstylethread_(\d+)"\>/);
                    if(!$("picstylethread_" + insertid[1])) {
                        $("threadlist_picstyle").innerHTML += nexts[i];
            var pageinfo = s.match(/\<div id="fd_page_bottom" class="panel-footer clearfix"\>(.+?)\<\/div\>/);
            nextpageurl = nextpageurl.replace(/&page=\d+/, "&page=" + (curpage + 1));

            $("fd_page_bottom").innerHTML = pageinfo[1];
            if(curpage + 1 > totalpage) {
                autopbn.innerHTML = "...";
            } else {
                autopbn.innerHTML = "";
            loadstatus = 0;


to add specific environment:

browser and version of PC
whether the mobile terminal comes with Wechat's own browser, browser and version

and you didn't say exactly why not, how to say it.
