The check_password_hash of flask cannot match the same

I use flask

from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash

encrypt the password registered by the user, and perform the password hash operation in the model User

class User(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    nickname = Column(String(24),nullable=False)
    phone_number = Column(String(18),unique=True)
    _password = Column("password",String(64))
    email = Column(String(50),unique=True,nullable=True)
    confirmed = Column(Boolean,default=False)
    beans = Column(Float,default=0)
    send_counter = Column(Integer,default=0)
    receive_counter = Column(Integer,default=0)
    wx_open_id = Column(String(50))
    wx_name = Column(String(32))

    def password(self):
        return self._password

    def password(self,raw):
        self._password = generate_password_hash(raw)

    def check_password(self, raw):
        return check_password_hash(self._password, raw)

this is my login and register view functions

def register():
    form = RegisterForm(request.form)
    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
        user = User(nickname = request.form["nickname"],
                    email = request.form["email"],
                    _password = request.form["password"]
        -sharp user.password = generate_password_hash(
        return redirect(url_for("web.login"))
    return render_template("auth/register.html",form=form)

def login():
    form = LoginForm(request.form)
    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
        user = User.query.filter_by(
        if user and user.check_password(    -sharp hash
    return render_template("auth/login.html",form=form)

I failed to log in with the registered account password. I tracked the specific parameters at my breakpoint. Here are the specific tracking results = {str} "" = {str} "wen001"
user._password = {str} "pbkdf2:sha256:50000$2PYfV5uq$a5874b931603e0a2325b3b1bd4ab0b9f32f"

this means that I use the generate_password_hash string wen001 and the string pbkdf2:sha256:50000$2PYfV5uq$a5874b931603e0a2325b3b1bd4ab0b9f32f of the savings database cannot match the wen001 entered by my user login. What"s wrong with me? This question has been bothering me for several days, and my hair has fallen out


change the User in your to the following:

    def password(self):
        return self._password

    def password(self,password):
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password)

    def check_password(self, raw):
        return check_password_hash(self._password, password)

that is, change all the raw parameters to password.

I think the length of your _ password = Column ('password',String (64)) is too short of 64, truncating the hash string, and there is no complete storage.
