How should the lumen framework use resource resource routing?

the resource method is used in the laravel framework, but it seems to have been removed in the lumen framework; it has always been a good idea to use resource to standardize the code.

try using ding go api in order to enable the lumen framework to use resource,. The resource method is available in ding go api"s library. However, an error is reported when using it. The error is as follows:

(1/1) TypeError
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection::add() must be an instance of Illuminate\Routing\Route, null given, called in /home/vagrant/code/lumen_demo/vendor/illuminate/routing/ResourceRegistrar.php on line 99
in RouteCollection.php line 50
at RouteCollection->add(null)
in ResourceRegistrar.php line 99
at ResourceRegistrar->register("demo", "DemoController", array())
in Router.php line 320
at Router->resource("demo", "DemoController")
in web.php line 22
at {closure}(object(Router))
at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Router))
in Router.php line 171
at Router->group(array("namespace" => "App\\Http\\Controllers", "version" => array("v1"), "conditionalRequest" => false, "prefix" => "/", "middleware" => array(), "providers" => array(), "scopes" => array(), "before" => array(), "after" => array(), "where" => array(), "domain" => "/"), object(Closure))
in Router.php line 136
at Router->version("v1", array("namespace" => "App\\Http\\Controllers"), object(Closure))
in web.php line 28
at require("/home/vagrant/code/lumen_demo/routes/web.php")
in app.php line 109
at {closure}(object(Router))
at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Router))
in Router.php line 62
at Router->group(array("namespace" => "App\\Http\\Controllers"), object(Closure))
in app.php line 110
at require("/home/vagrant/code/lumen_demo/bootstrap/app.php")
in index.php line 13

what should I do to solve this problem?


look at the error message

at RouteCollection->add(null)
in ResourceRegistrar.php line 99
at ResourceRegistrar->register('demo', 'DemoController', array())

you sent a null,ResourceRegistrar that was not uploaded to Router during initialization
