During the interview, I was asked such a question: "1" = 1, what are the rules for data type conversion, and how to judge?

the question "1" = = 1 is asked during the interview, and this judgment condition will convert "1" to number type 1 when executed, but how to verify it? (do I want to pass code verification? Because I don"t know how to verify it, I game over). Once again, my IQ has been crushed.

if it is an object and {} = = 1, the object is converted to the original value, which can be verified by the valueOf method that defines the object,

{valueOf:()=>{console.log("test")}} ==1;

but as mentioned in the title, how do you verify that a string is converted to a number?


either the string from 1 to "1" or the number from "1" to 1

verify "1.00000" = = 1

Number.prototype.toString = function (v) {
  return v;

String.prototype.valueOf = function (v) {
  return '1';

1, object and undefined are compared by pointer
2, other types and numbers can be compared like this:'1' = = 1 = > Number ('1') = Number (1)
