Doubts about the svg < path > command

< path d = "M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10" / >
Why can I draw a rectangle?
M1010 is moved to this point. What about H90? Is to the right, and then V90 down 90, then H10 I look confused, how can I draw a rectangle?


  1. M10 10: move to (10 li 10)--> the upper left corner of the rectangle
  2. H 90: draw a parallel line from the current point to the position 90--> draw the upper edge of the rectangle
  3. V 90: draw a vertical line from the current point to 90-> draw the right edge of the rectangle
  4. H 10: draw a parallel line from the current point to the position of 10--> draw the bottom edge of the rectangle
  5. L 10 10: draw a line segment from the current point to the position of (10 li 10)--> draw the left edge of the rectangle

reference link:
path details of svg
SVG < path >
