Invalid timing set by cron, 0 19 14? * 5 *

wants to set a scheduled time to execute at 14:19 every Thursday afternoon. For example, a statement such as later.parse.cron ("019 14? * 5 *") has no effect of execution. It can be executed instead of later.parse.text ("at every 1 min") . Is there a problem with the first statement?


cron time corresponding to each location

-sharp  minute (0 - 59)
-sharp   hour (0 - 23)
-sharp    day of the month (1 - 31)
-sharp     month (1 - 12)
-sharp      day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday;
-sharp                                        7 is also Sunday on some systems)
-sharp * * * * * command to execute

so you should set

like this.
later.parse.cron('19 14 ? * 4')
wiki Cron