I have rented an Aliyun server and want to deploy a blog, but I can connect to Mongodb remotely (my own computer is not a server). If I can"t connect to the server locally, I can connect to it
CVM system: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
mongodb.conf Code
logappend = true
remote connection error message
connecting to: mongodb://xx.xxx.xxx.x:27017/blog
2018-12-28T10:43:34.335+0800 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn"t connect to server xx.xxx.xx.x:27017, connection attempt failed: NetworkTimeout: Error connecting to xx.xxx.xx.x:27017 :: caused by :: Socket operation timed out :
exception: connect failed
I have seen many remote connection methods on the Internet, but only the local connection has been changed, the profile service has also been restarted