problem description
golang"s iris framework parses the form into the structure and stops parsing when there are values in the form that do not exist in the structure
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried
the recently written project uses the readform method of the iris framework to read the form. The current side passes the admin_id field (the field is not in the predefined structure). After parsing to this field, iris stops parsing and returns an error
related codes
/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
type addForm struct {
DeviceCode string `form:"device_code" validate:"required"`
Name string `form:"name" validate:"required"`
TypeID int64 `form:"type_id" validate:"required,numeric"`
TreeID int64 `form:"tree_id" validate:"required,numeric"`
ModelID int64 `form:"model_id" validate:"omitempty,numeric"`
Mrl string `form:"mrl" validate:"-"`
PurchaseTime string `form:"purchase_time" validate:"-"`
DeployTime string `form:"deploy_time" validate:"-"`
DirectionType int64 `form:"direction_type" validate:"omitempty,oneof=1 2 3"`
IsCached int64 `form:"is_cached" validate:"omitempty,oneof=0 1"`
RelayController int64 `form:"relay_controller" validate:"omitempty,oneof=0 1"`
Port int64 `form:"port" validate:"omitempty,numeric"`
Channels int64 `form:"channels" validate:"omitempty,numeric,gt=0"`
Threshold1 float64 `form:"threshold1" validate:"omitempty,numeric"`
Threshold2 float64 `form:"threshold2" validate:"omitempty,numeric"`
IsRestOpen int64 `form:"is_rest_open" validate:"omitempty,oneof=1 2"`
FunctionType int64 `form:"function_type" validate:"omitempty,numeric"`
Uri string `form:"uri" validate:"omitempty,url"`
var formParam addForm //
var errP errs.Error //
if err := ctx.ReadForm(&formParam); err != nil {
var admin backend.Admin
if functions.ReadForm(&admin, ctx.Request().PostForm) != nil || admin.Valid() != nil {
ctx.JSON(backend.Response(iris.Map{consts.CODE: errs.ERR_PARAM_WRONG}))
what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
iris automatically skips when parsing to a field that does not exist. The actual iris ends parsing directly and returns an error when parsing to the point that the field does not exist in the structure