Js to draw a static flow diagram with pictures as nodes, the simplest solution?

recently I want to use viz to draw a static flow diagram, but I don"t know how to set up a picture for the node. It is mentioned in the documentation and other blogs that pictures can be added, but their method does not work (maybe the scene is wrong, or which step is missing)
this is my test example, http://jsrun.net/fuhKp


originally encapsulated a flow graph component (native svg implementation + viz.js layout), but it felt a little overkill.
so several options are being considered:
1 encapsulates a small static flow graph component (still implemented using the original flow graph component)
2 directly uses viz.js (if the picture can be introduced, then this will be the easiest way to implement)
3 draws with d3.js, d3.js can be implemented, but dagre-d3 "s layout algorithm lacks centered layout , some regrets
