Stylus defines pseudo-class functions that apply an effect to each element without using it.

vue file code is as follows:

    <header class="header_bar">
        <h1 class="app_title"></h1>

export default {};

<style scoped lang="stylus">
@import "~assets/stylus/variable.styl"
@import "~assets/stylus/mixin.styl"
    position: relative
    display flex
    height 90px
    justify-content center
    align-items center
    color $brand-color

        margin-left 10px

the mixin.styl code is as follows:

    position: relative
        content: ""
        position: absolute
        top: -10px
        left: -10px
        right: -10px
        bottom: -10px

run result:


the function in mixin.styl is not used in the vue file, but because of the introduction of mixin.styl, all the elements in the top column are added pseudo-classes that extend the click area. I would like to ask what is going on


later, the test found that the space was mixed with tab, and then it was not set properly, resulting in an extra space for &: before and not being seen, which led to all tags being appended with this pseudo-class
