Was not found in the UIManager on react-native IOS Simulator

problem description

introduce react-native-spinkit
into the project and then execute react-native link
run directly using xcode
but run react-native run-ios on the terminal
error report:
Invarint Violation:requireNativeComponent: "RNSpinkit" was not found in the UIManager

RN version 0.57.3

check that both Debug and Release in xcode Header Search Paths are link successful

related codes

const Spinner = require("react-native-spinkit");
<Spinner size={25} color="-sharpFFF" type="Circle"/>

is there any solution to this problem

import {
} from 'react-native';
const {UIManager}=NativeModules;
UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental &&

add these lines of code to the introduced location

also encountered the same problem. Have you finally solved the problem? the upstairs plan doesn't seem to work.

expo project eject post-loading third party is also the same problem, which does not seem to solve
