What does this css style mean? is there such a css symbol?

.tinymce-container > .mce-fullscreen {
z-index: 10000;
what does the > > stand for?


deep selector

Deep selector, the alternative syntax for / deep/, was previously only available on Chrome (presumably), but now Chrome has abandoned it as well.


the / deep/ combiner is used here, and > is an alias.

this selector has different interpretations in the two contexts.

the first is in chrome , which is now used as a selector API that is about to be deprecated.
the second is in VUE . If you use scoped in the component, the style defined by the parent component will not affect the child component. But if you still want to define styles in the parent component, you need to use the combiner, or its alias / deep/ .

<style scoped>
.a >>> .b { /* ... */ }