How to use relative paths in the icon of NG-ZORRO-MOBILE grid Grid

problem description

prepare to use NG-ZORRO-MOBILE to put a Grid in ionic4"s project.
successfully demonstrated Grid. But there is an awkward problem. I have tried for a long time and haven"t found out how to set up icon images using relative paths.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried


related codes

            {{ "ME" | translate }}


        <div id="user_portrait_row">
            <ion-img src="./assets/shapes.svg"></ion-img>
            <img id="user_portrait" src="./assets/shapes.svg"/>
            <ion-card-title>Hello World</ion-card-title>

The content for this card

</ion-card-content> </ion-card> <Grid [activeStyle]="false" [columnNum]="3" [data]="data" (OnClick)="click($event)"></Grid> <div Button margin [type]=""warning"">warning</div> </ion-content>
import {Component} from "@angular/core";

    selector: "app-tab3",
    templateUrl: "",
    styleUrls: [""]
export class Tab3Page {
    data = Array
        .from(new Array(9))
        .map((_val, i) => (
                    icon: "/assets/icon/order.svg",
                    text: `name${i}`

    click(event) {

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

icon:"/ assets/icon/order.svg" does not display pictures when written in this way. Is there any good way or correct posture to solve this problem? I hope the picture can be displayed without bringing the domain name deployed by the project. Or there is a convenient way to complete the task of splicing domain names automatically.


the problem was finally solved. But it's not what I want.
uses the iconfont file provided by
uses the Symbol method provided in demo directly.
where the iconfont.js is directly referenced at the entrance html, it looks very embarrassing.
