Hello, everyone!
this may be a question about the difference between unittest.mock.patch ()
and unittest.mock.patch.object ()
. The following code works normally when using mock.patch.object ()
. I don"t understand why an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "Person"
will be reported when using mock.patch ()
. Is it absolutely impossible to use mock.patch ()
-sharp py_unittest.py
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch
from unittest import main
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def print_name(self):
print("My name is " + self.name)
def print_parents(self):
mother = input("Enter mother"s name: ")
father = input("Enter father"s name: ")
print("{}"s parents are {} and {}.".format(self.name, mother, father))
def fake_func(self):
class FuncTest(TestCase):
def test_print_parents(self):
john = Person("John")
with patch("builtins.input") as mocked_input:
mocked_input.side_effect = ("Jo", "Lee")
with patch("builtins.print") as mocked_print:
with patch.object(Person, "fake_func") as mocked_fake_func:
-sharp with patch("Person.fake_func") as mocked_fake_func: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "Person"
mocked_print.assert_called_with("John"s parents are Jo and Lee.")
if __name__ == "__main__":