Solving regular questions

briefName = re.findall (r "(: limited (: liability |) company) [u4E00-u9FFF ()]) {5pm 20} Limited (: liability |) company", response.text)-sharp-sharp-sharp topic description

this regular?: what does it mean


(?: exp)
matches exp, does not capture matching text, and does not assign a group number to this group.

can I take a screenshot to see your code? It feels a little messy.
do you want to match 5-10 Chinese characters, including LLC or Co., Ltd.

(?: X) match'x' but don't remember the match. This is called uncaptured parentheses, which allows you to define as subexpressions that are used with regular expression operators. Let's take a look at the example expression / (?: foo) {1J2} /. If the expression is / foo {1pm 2} /, {1J2} will only take effect on the last character'o' of 'foo'. If you use non-capture parentheses, {1 foo' 2} matches the entire 'capture word.
this should match xxxxx LLC that does not start with LLC or Co., Ltd. .
