uc browser successfully calls the sharing panel and can share it. The description title is correct, but the picture is not displayed. How to set up the shared picture?
data() {
return {
title: "2019XXXX",
desc: "",
share_url: "http://XXX",
image_url: "https://XXX",
methods: {
shareUC() {
const isiOS = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent); //
if (isiOS) {
if (ucbrowser.web_shareEX) {
title: this.title,
content: this.desc,
sourceUrl: this.share_url,
imageUrl: this.image_url,
source: "XXX",
target: ""
} else {
ucbrowser.web_share(this.title, this.desc, this.share_url, undefined, "", "XXX", this.image_url);
else {
ucweb.startRequest("shell.page_share", [this.title, this.desc, this.share_url, "", "", "XXX", this.image_url]);
reference is https://www.jianshu.com/p/dc9...