How can I make @ apiGroup compatible with Chinese in apidoc?

apidoc this plug-in does not allow the use of Chinese in the @ apiGroup block. If it has Chinese, it will use "_ _" instead.
wants to know what else can be done to make @ apiGroup use Chinese besides being defined in @ apiDefine.

     * @api {post} /api-user/check-code 
     * @apiName checkCode
     * @apiGroup ()
     * @apiParam {string} aes 
     * @apiParam {string} key 
     * @apiParam {string} token 
     * @apiParam {string} code 
     * @apiParam {string} type 1.
     * @apiSuccess {string} error 1.0.
     * @apiSuccess {string} code 10000.Successful10005.10007.2001.2002.2003.
     * @apiSuccess {string} msg 
     * @apiSuccess {array[]} result 
     * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
     * HTTP/1.1 10000 OK
     * {
     * "error":"1",
     * "code":"10000",
     * "msg":"",
     * "result":[
     * ]
     * }

A colleague successfully solved the problem before, but he didn"t take notes and now he has forgotten how to solve it.
uses Chinese directly, this is his code and the generated document

     * @api {POST} ?p=apiAgentRecord&a=getMemberList   
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         getMemberList
     * @apiGroup        
     * @apiPermission  
     * @apiDescription  
     * @apiParam   {Number}   page                           1
     * @apiParam   {String}   pageSize                       5
     * @apiParam   {String}   searchData                    ""
     * @apiSuccess {Number}   rank_name                     
     * @apiSuccess {String}   user_id                       ID
     * @apiSuccess {String}   mobile                        
     * @apiSuccess {String}   user_name                     
     * @apiSuccess {String}   nick_name                     
     * @apiSuccess {String}   sex                           
     * @apiSuccess {String}   user_rank                     
     * @apiSuccess {String}   rank_changeTime               
     * @apiSuccess {String}   MemberTime                    
     * @apiSuccess {String}   MemberMoney                   
     * @apiSuccess {String}   realname                      
     * @apiSuccess {String}   rank_status                   ,0
     * @apiSuccess {String}   reg_time                      
     * @apiSuccess {String}   AgentID                       ID
     * @apiSuccess {String}   AgentCode                     
     * @apiSuccess {String}   IntroduceUserName             
     * @apiSuccessExample  {json} Response (success):
     * {
     * "status":0,
     * "msg":"",
     * "data":[
     * {
     * "rank_name":"",
     * "user_id":"00002151",
     * "mobile":"18820698877",
     * "user_name":"18820698877",
     * "nick_name":"1882069887",
     * "sex":"1",
     * "user_rank":"3",
     * "rank_changeTime":"1489397095",
     * "MemberTime":"2017-03-13 17:24:55",
     * "MemberMoney":"10000.00",
     * "realname":"",
     * "rank_status":"1",
     * "reg_time":"2016-12-23 14:39:37",
     * "AgentID":"16",
     * "AgentCode":"N915",
     * "IntroduceUserName":""
     * }
     * ],
     * "total":1
     * }
     * @apiErrorExample  {json} Response (error):
     * {
     * "status":1,
     * "msg":"",
     * "data":"",
     * "total":0
     * }



C:\ Users\ Administrator\ AppData\ Roaming\ npm\ node_modules\ apidoc\ node_modules\ apidoc-core\ lib\ workers\ api_group.js
comment out

//group = group.replace(/[^\w]/g, '_');