vue News item
data request is to monitor route changes by clicking on the above categories (so the categories share a data request page). As long as the route changes, the data will be requested, so that the data requested by the page cannot be cached
watch: {
$route: function() {
// if (this.routerChange) {
// }
methods: {
...mapActions(["getList", "dowmLoadmore"]),
channel: this.firstName,
type: this.firstType,
flag: this.routerChange
getNews() {
channel: this.$route.query.type,
type: this.$route.params.type,
flag: this.routerChange
keep-alive is also enabled
path: "/header",
name: "Header",
component: Header,
meta:{ keepAlive: false },
children: [
path: "/home/:type",
name: "Home",
component: Home,
meta:{ keepAlive: true }
now, as long as you switch categories, the page will refresh. I don"t know how to change it