Ios Wechat sharing failed. It begins with http without Chinese characters.

var share_obj01 = {

                              title: "",
                              desc: "",
                              link:    Constant+ "/DMIMPWeChat/customer/doctor_hh.html?merchant_code="+mer+"&salesman_code="+sel1+"&salesman_name="+sel2+"&insurance_code="+code+"&redirect="+"",
                              imgUrl: Constant+"/DMIMPWeChat/img/doctor_fb.PNG",
                              trigger: function (res) {

/ / alert ("users click to send to friends");

                              success: function (res) {

/ / alert ("sharing success");

                              cancel: function (res) {
                                // layer.msg("");
                              fail: function (res) {

/ / alert (JSON.stringify (res));



this is usually a signature problem.
first take a look at it with the developer's tool:

this is a normal print for initializing sharing permissions. If you are prompted to sign an error, you should debug it with the server
