1193 error occurred in exporting database with MySQLWorkbench8.0 version client in Mac system

problem description

my system environment is as follows:

  • my computer system is macOS Mojave 10.14.2
  • Database management software is: MySQLWorkbench8.0
  • Database is: mysql8.0 version image container installed with docker

when exporting data, the error is as follows:

15:33:20 Dumping huada (all tables)
Running: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/mysqldump --defaults-file="/var/folders/x9/t6fcx_r925n2gf36z88khyqr0000gn/T/tmpUR6DT_/extraparams.cnf"  --user=root --host= --protocol=tcp --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 --skip-triggers "huada"
mysqldump: Couldn"t execute "/*!80000 SET SESSION information_schema_stats_expiry=0 */": Unknown system variable "information_schema_stats_expiry" (1193)

Operation failed with exitcode 2
15:33:20 Export of /Users/huada/Downloads/Dump20190117.sql has finished with 1 errors

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

based on my feeling, I think
should use a lower version of the client. Exporting a higher version of the database leads to
, which may be the higher version of mysql8.0


because I also installed the mysql8.0 database on the linux server with docker
and then exported the data Times with my native MySQLWorkbench8.0 version of the client

A lot of keywords are searched on the Internet, and the results are very few, and few people seem to encounter similar problems!

related codes

/ / I observe the following prompt
Unknown system variable "information_schema_stats_expiry" (1193)
/ / prompts me unknown system variable, information_schema_stats_expiry
/ / I really don"t know where to configure this variable

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

expect to export data normally
actually saw this error, I don"t know if it is my personal computer, or everyone will encounter
I hope my friends will know one or two tips, thank you



information_schema_stats_expiry system variable controls table statistics caching.
to always retrieve the latest statistics directly from the storage engine, set information_schema_stats_expiry to 0.

was introduced by MySQL version 5.8 or above. If your import target version is low, you can delete this line and try.

'/*!80000 SET SESSION information_schema_stats_expiry=0 */'