Is there any difference between the data of the two objects in the vue picture?

below is the original data in state that was obtained from the background and then replaced with the data in articleList.
the following two pictures are printed after being replaced in different ways. I would like to ask what is the difference between the results of the two pictures?
the first picture is the result that can be rendered normally after replacement, and the second is that the view of the replacement data and the original state can not be rendered normally. Can you tell me what is the difference between the data of the two pictures

export default {
  routeName: "",
  auth: 1,
  list: ["a", "b", "c"],
  errors: [],
  articleList: [
      userinfo: {image: "static/img/3.jpeg", nickname: "eee", text: "", time: ""},
      content: {href: "2222222", text: "test", create_time: "", updata_time: ""},
      pic: [{path: "static/img/0.jpg"}, {path: "static/img/0.jpg"}, {path: "static/img/0.jpg"}],
      likebar: {hot: 555, status: false, comments: 666},
      isFollow: true
      userinfo: {image: "static/img/3.jpeg", nickname: "eee", text: "", time: ""},
      content: {href: "", photo: "", text: "test", create_time: "", updata_time: ""},
      pic: [{path: "static/img/0.jpg"}, {path: "static/img/1.jpg"}, {path: "static/img/3.jpeg"}],
      likebar: {hot: 555, status: false, comments: 666},
      isFollow: false
  dd: false

this.state.articleList = Object.assign ({}, this.state.articleList, data)

Vue.set(this.state, "articleList", data)

The effect of

is the same. Is there a specific code
online test example
cannot reproduce your problem

Vue.set (this.state, 'articleList', data) change it to this.$set (this.state,' articleList', data) try.
