Pixi.js font blur problem

I am an intern, the company asked to use PIXI for the development project. After using it, I found that the font is very blurry and the edges of the lines are jagged.
I did not set anything, that is, according to the API document, the larger the text, the clearer the text, the smaller the blur, see what is on the Internet because of the problem of screen pixels, but I do not understand it very well. If I want to know if there is a great god to answer, it is best to leave a contact to communicate


part of the main code is as follows:
all graphic text sizes are drawn relative to the canvas

this.length is the canvas size, followed by the ratio of some configuration files

let options = {
            width: this.length, //
            height: this.length, //
            antialias: true, //
            transparent: Config.canvasTransparent, //
            resolution: 1 //
let app = new PIXI.Application(options);

let style = new PIXI.TextStyle({
            fontFamily: "Arial",
            fontSize: Math.floor(this.length * Config.roadNameScale),
            fill: "black",
            fontWeight: 200,

I hope the bosses can help. Thank you


resolution:2 would be fine
