Webpack packaged vue project keep-alive does not take effect


project uses the tab feature, which in turn requires caching of page data. During local development, the cache can be cached normally, but after being packaged with webpack, the cache is found to be invalid when uploaded to the server, resulting in some business errors.

routing code:

module.exports = (file: string) => {
  "use strict";

  return () => import(`@/views/${file}`);
const getComponent = require(`./import_${process.env.NODE_ENV}`);
    path: "/customers",
    name: "Customers",
    component: getComponent("customers/index"),
    permission: true,
    meta: { key: "Customers" },
    children: [
        path: "baseInfo",
        name: "Base Info",
        component: getComponent("customers/baseInfo/index"),
        permission: true,
        meta: { key: "BaseInfo" },

Page Code:

import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";

export default class Components extends Vue {
  render() {
    const { keepList } = this.$store.state.app;
    return (
      <keep-alive max={10} include={keepList}>
        <router-view />

in the development environment, the class name is directly used as the name value of the component, but the class name is ignored in build, so you need to add the name attribute manually.

    name: 'componentName'
export default class Components extends Vue {}

this can also be verified by debugging tools

The TS used by

does not load the name attribute

since there is an error message in the package, you can locate the error based on the error message and find a solution.
