recently, when I was tidying up the crawler project, I found that
sometimes I can return data according to the parameters entered by the source code, and sometimes I can"t. Execjs.compile (_ js) .call ("TAC.sign", "6347006294" +" + "0") the parameters I wear like this
sometimes return
{"message": "success", "has_more": false, "data": []},
sometimes return the correct data?
I follow the three parameters window.TAC & & (t = TAC.sign ( + "" + d.params.max_behot_time)) passed by the source code js:
d.params.max_behot_time = & & | | 0)
these are the three parameters of the source code, but d.params.max_behot_time has this next here. I don"t know what it means. Is it 0 to solve the max_behot_time? I feel like it changes every time, right?