Ngix-rtmp sets the path to save the recording file based on the date

rtmp {

server {
    listen 1935;
    chunk_size 4096;
    max_message 1M;
    max_streams 32;
    ack_window 5000000;
    timeout 60s;
    buflen 5s;
    application live {
        live on;
        sync 100ms;
        recorder rec1{
            record all;
            record_path D:/record;
            record_unique off;
            record_suffix .flv;
        -sharp record all;
        -sharp record_path D:/record;
        -sharp record_suffix _recorded.flv;


now that all the recorded files are saved in one folder, how to set up different folders according to time to save the files to be recorded

on_record_done http://localhost/record_done
exec_record_done xxx
do it yourself through callback.
both operations have parameters for the recording path. You can check it out.

Please check the official document:

record_unique on;
record_suffix -% dmurf% bMel% ymuri% T.FLV;

Hello, I wrote the same configuration according to the landlord's, why not save the video
