What is the execution process of this code?

I know that the test event will be triggered after scrolling, but the internal process is not very clear. Why is there a return function in it? Which parameter does arguments represent?

function debounce(func,wait,immediate){
    var timeout;
    return function(){
        var context = this,args = arguments;

        var later = function(){
            timeout = null;
            if(!immediate) func.apply(context,args);
        var callNow = immediate&&!timeout;
        if(callNow) func.apply(context,args);

var test = debounce(function(){


I used debugging tools to debug and found that arguments points to event, please help me tell me how it is executed, thank you!


1. Because as a detrembling function, how can it be executed multiple times without the return function.
2. what is arguments


process is to record a timer (here called timeout ), and if it exists, clear the timer , that is, it will not be repeated for a certain period of time.
