Wx:if flash problem in the initial rendering of Mini Program

<modal class="merge" cancelText="" confirmText="" wx:if="{{checkMerge}}" bindcancel="mergeCancel" bindconfirm="mergeConfirm">
    <image src="../../images/xcx.png"></image>
    <view class="mention">
      <view><view class="span"></view> </view>
    <checkbox-group bindchange="mergeMention">
      <label class="checkbox">
        <checkbox value="{{merge}}" checked="mergeChecked" />


  data: {
    checkMerge: false,

when loading initially, this pop-up window will appear for a while, and then hide..
how to solve this problem?

similarly, when used in the view layer, it will be shown first and then hidden.


is there any other code that affects checkMerge? will it be directly set to false
