How can I make ContextMenuStrip aware of which DataGridView I clicked right from?

DataGridView is dynamically generated, bind ContextMenuStrip to implement right-click menu, want to achieve the function of copying data on DataGridView. There is more than one DataGridView on the
interface. I want to use a menu handler to implement the function. The question is, how can I let ContextMenuStrip know which DataGridView pop-up menu I right-clicked?

the function of right-click menu is as follows:

 private void ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataGridView dgv = ;
            if (dgv.SelectedCells.Count > 0)
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(dgv.GetClipboardContent()); //

  1. The ContextMenuStrip.SourceControl property identifies the control that triggered the menu.
  2. The first parameter of the
  3. event handling method object sender usually identifies the source control.

refer to
