problem is redirecting symbols
on the command line, I can execute the program like this:
java-cp / classpath MyClass < data.txt
that is, compile the MyClass.class bytecode file into binary code and run it, and then redirect data.txt to the program. The
program runs normally.
but the problem arises when I use Intellij.
according to idea/2016.2/run-debug-configuration-application.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> official help I can only enter parameter names in Program Argument. If I enter a redirect symbol, it will cause an exception to be thrown
Exception in thread" main "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException .
is there any way to add redirection to a program in IntelliJ? Please!
= about "then why don"t you just run it on the command line? Bitches are hypocritical! " =
because I want to debug the program.
= about "then why don"t you just debug with jdb on the command line? Bitches are hypocritical! "
jdb this kind of thing Oracle officials do not bother to promote, beg to let it go.